Who am I

I am a biologist graduated from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Córdoba, Argentina). Currently, I am doing my PhD in Biological Sciences, with a fellowship at Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). I work in Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal (IMBIV) and my general interests are related to Ecology.

Particularly (but very generally speaking), in my PhD I study the effects of forest fragmentation (as a process, not as a pattern) in plant-pollinator relationships. Nevertheless, my interests go beyond this particular area. By far, I use R as my main statistic software, which includes programming in a daily basis. This have led me to construct a couple of R functions that colleagues and scientists in general may find useful. In this blog, I will be talking about all this stuff, and any other things I find interesting.

Here is a list of my published scientific papers:

- Huais, P. Y., Grilli, G., Amarilla, L. D., Torres, C., Fernández, L., & Galetto, L. (2020). Forest fragments influence pollination and yield of soybean crops in Chaco landscapes. Basic and Applied Ecology, 48, 61-72.

- Huais PY. (2018). multifit: an R function for multi-scale analysis in landscape ecology. Landscape Ecology, 33(7), 1023–1028.

- Grilli G, Longo S, Huais PY, Pereyra M, Verga EG, Urcelay C, Galetto L. (2017). Fungal diversity at fragmented landscapes: synthesis and future perspectives. Current opinion in microbiology, 37, 161-165.

- León M, Felsztyna I, Huais PY. (2015). El papel del azar en el desarrollo de las ideas sobre la evolución biológica. Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, 2(2), 103-110.

- Arán DS, Felsztyna I, Huais PY. (2015). Valoración económica de la población de Río Ceballos sobre el bosque nativo de la Reserva Hídrica Natural del Parque La Quebrada. Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, 2(1), 131-138.